first steps with a next copter

I did not send any posts related ART4 version yet. I`m still thinking how to put it together, what parts I need and how to put it together. I will treat ART4 version much more experimental then previous copter.

The only one element which is already finalized is companion computer. This will be my old RPI3 replaced by PI0W on ART3 drone. Woth a new one I would like to test some autonomous flights with this new copter and this was reason why I spent more than 2  months to get running PI3 with some additional software.

There was idea in my mind that I need to have similar software as for ART3 (this means Rasperrian + video and telemetry scripts that are covered currently by UAVcast scripts ) plus some additional packages that allow to flight autonomously.  In the case on PX4 firmware, combination ROS and MAVROS API could allows to try "offboard mode" and autonmiousy. That was reason why I was trying to install on raspberrian "stretch" those two packuages but there was many problems to complete it due different sofware architecture or lack of my linux knowledge.

Finally I installed "Maverick" image and UAVcast scripts. This combination gives me current functionality and future enchacements.  I will add in "links" subpage urls to both software also.

As for now sofrware works well, video and telemetry are available on this Maverick IMG so I can continue with all next parts.
