radiolink Pixhawk with PX4 firmware - outside tests

I was waiting a lot of time for my first outside tests. Previous week I did only shot, a few minutes test to check if motors works correctly after initial px4 tests.

After this weekend I can say PX4 works very good, I happy that migration from ardupilot firmawe is almost done. Copter flights very stabile, I cannot see any problems or missing functions comparing to ardupilot software. Disarm is one function that I need to tweak little more becuse I have some problems to disarm motors quickly after flight. But is realy small problem, it not so sensitive as for ardupilot but it probably base on parameters that I need to tweak little more.

I like flying modes, they are little different that ardupilot one but overall it realy enough for me.
Before mighation I read a lot off differnt opinions that px4 is not so stabilize as ardupilot especialy outside rooms, but I do not feel it. For me, PX4 firmware it control drone outside prefectly similar to ardupilot.

I will test this configuration some more times and if everything works fine I will try to control manualy drone using R/C over internet only.

Below short record from the latest PX4 tests.
