a few minor changes before spring

There is still not good weather and I don’t want to loosing a time on nothing before spring flight tests. This is reason why first quarter I will spend some time adding some small modifications related drone lights.

I`m planning to add 4 leds to frame to make drone visible in the night or day during the flight. I have two basic options on my radar.

The first option ( more simple ) require to add leds to frame and power them from LIPO battery using additional 5V BEC. This option do not require too much effort from my side. 4 leds connected to BEC and this is everything what need to be soldered to get it working. I will be treat this option as a backup one if option 2 will failt.

Second option base on external “intelligent I2C controller”. This option require to add to frame set of leds that are controlled from I2C pixhawk port and powered also from additional small BEC connected to LIPO battery.

Some time ago I ordered this intelligent controller and It just arrived to me.
Next week I will try to add it to drone frame and test it but before I need to get also I2C splitter because my current I2C port is blocked by GPS and I cannot put it together right now.
