my first take off with pixhawk powered drone

There was beautiful weather today and I armed drone and decided to make the first take off with Pixhawk onboard. Test was successful, I was able to fly a couple of time with problems related my navigation skills only 😊.

I'm extremely happy that my old DJI's motors and ESC`s started with this new flying controller. Until today I was unsure if I made good decision to keep DJI parts and try to run it with Pixhawk due lack of confirmation over web that it`s can well together.

Now I know it was good choice 😊. I like quality of DJI parts and this is good to have them still running. It can be also confirmations for others that they can begin “drone journey” from DJI sets and move next to open hardware solution saving money on replacing all parts.

I met some problems with landing because Pixhawk for me is much more sensitive than Naza and I didn’t know how to navigate it well. Two propeller protectors and 2 landing gears were broken during tests 😐 when I flew down too quickly and hit a ground. Whole drone is fine but I need to fix those protectors right now.

Summarizing today tests I need to say I'm glad having Pixhawk working. I can say also finally goodbye to my old Naza controller.

I have one more great achievement today but I will add it with next post later because I need to check some more details before publish it.
