Raspberry PI – second time
Saturday night, I did search internet to find more information related gstreamer and manuals how it`s possible to view gstreamer pipelines on android devices. Why ?
Answer Is simple I join uavmatrix forum to try to install their scripts on my Raspberry. This Nordic company focus on delivery full working solution for Raspberry to enable sending telemetry thru 4G networks. They have long experience and currently they are using this solution on RPI2 based drones.Telemetry including video stream is send directly from drone mounted RPI to ground control station. Overall this is something that I was looking for and the only one minus of this solution is related laptops required on client side. To receive pipelines they are using windows based PC not an mobile android or apple based devices. I hope with their support I will solve it later.
I focusing on video part at the beginning. I installed all their packages on my RPI 3 and did start with the tests. Unfortunately whole current software do not support fully RPI 3 but it`s under upgrade process now. After 1 week of tests and broad support from company side we checked that none of my camera can work with gstreamer that allows to send low latency video to end user devices. I did test 3 my devices: SJ4000, small Titanium camera and Creative UAV device. All they failed.
They support 3 types of camera currently: Logitech C920, C615 and all dedicated RPI cameras ( they call tem PICAM ). To continue with this approach I decided to buy PICAM finally. Logitech models are very expansive for me and I did found cheap 5Mpx model last week. This model was done for RPI model 2 but works well with RPI3 also. It`s 5 Mpx camera revision 1.3 and you can find it of following photo.
Raspberry is not connected to Pixhawk still I testing it on my desk and once video works well I will start to think how to all autopilot to it and mount it on my copter.

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