vine and ..... all those modifications

I`m sharing second post in short time because it`s end of my day and I didn`t finish all changes yet. Vine is also over for today so here you are some screens where am I now.

Some drone parts are disconnected and I`m still trying to find good locations for new elements. I did change location of receiver, now it`s moved to back to allow to connect additional battery on the bottom side of mainboard.
Mini PC I will put over Naza controller and hope it won`t impact  autopilot and last part – modem it will be attached to top part of top mainboard right side of LIPO pack.

I need to stop with those changes and try to buy tomorrow low profile mini USB connector because cable that I own now is too large to connect it to bottom part of camera and next to Mini PC. Previously camera was separately mounted so there was no problem to attached it to handle. 
Now I need to make this connection and probably all changes will be done until tomorrow end of day.It means I will lose one day due lack of correct mini usb cable.

It`s not good news, weather is changing quickly and I don’t know when there will be next good time for making any next tests.
