final configuration tests before take off

I did put together all parts and connected them correctly today morning. There were no good weather to start with flying test so I did check only connections today and I did configuration tests on the ground.

Drone has been started on ground without propellers and then I started also video streaming options. Everything works fin and now I will be waiting for a better weather to make a short inflight test. On the ground I did saw any impact form modem and Wi-Fi to controller / receiver communications. LTE modem was working and the same time I was able to increase / decrease accelerations and other steering functions. At the beginning there was some problems to start streaming video to cloud but it was related high settings on tablet ( monitor side ).

Overall I`m done with construction on this level. Before next flight I need to check and protect mini PC connections little more but nothing more.

I like whole this idea with cloud streaming , probably it allow me also to steam video to other tools soon including online video feed to Periscope, FB or You tube.  But of course first I have to close current phase and move to replacing flying controller part.

Record is available there: tests before take off
