drone has 4G/LTE communication with my devices

Drone has 4G/LTE communication with my devices. I has been flying today for a while because during 1h long time weather was well to check how it works. Streaming server didn’t freeze and I was able to view FVP camera stream directly on my tablet. With current cloud setup there is delay between 1-2s and I think in the case of direct IP communication it can be reduced to 500ms-1s.

Decision to replace Naza controller by any open hardware base board is a good decision. After this change drone will be fully 4G operated and won`t depend on radio range.

I saw yesterday DJI has announced a new Inspire drone available in pre-order only now and I`m wondering how they will be supporting 4G networks. They wrote that latency for Inspire 2 should be around 500ms for me hard to believe with current networks but we will see.

Later on I will try to add short move from today session just for memory but need to have more time combine external camera view with FVP. Overall I happy today and results are as they were expected.
