a little bit of autopilot

Time is ticking away and I do not have correctly working charger. I sent it back service 4th and I`m little frustrated. Maybe I should buy an another one and not wait when they fix it.
I didn’t update blog about any news because the most important test are still paused due this charger problem and the only one activity that I`m still doing related drone are my researches related available autopilots.

I didn’t find all answers on my question but probably I will but any version of Pixhawk. Will it be 3DR product – I don’t know , it the best but very expansive , around 199$.
I planning to revew other open hardware based products aslo. Many of them are not 3DR clones but just own implementation of agreed standards.
In meantime I found on Polish rc-fpv.pl forum (http://rc-fpv.pl/viewtopic.php?t=16124) short table that compare various autopilot types. Little old but overall shows that APM / Pixhawk solution should be the best. I focusing on this part now.
