to the left or to the right

Previous post was little different than others because I wrote some words about UAV, DJI datalink and RPI. To summarize it and show how it can impact my drone I put 4 different scenarios where I can go now:
1. to buy DJI data link complete product
This choice will give me possibility to create quickly FPV solution with analogue camera and additionally I will receive option for Beyond Visual Range(BVR) Flights supported by GPS.

Expansive but good quality solution that allows to fly FPV without any delays and probably easy to install on my current framework. Box includes transmitter and receiver for ground station, this means full working solution. Everything what should I buy on top of that can be good camera.

2. Connect modem to any Mini PC solution and then add USB camera on top of that (secondary one or replace current one with another that can be used for both recording and streaming purposes) and then try to stream video over intenet. To have this probably I need to have strong modem and mini PC / or RPI if possible ). Quality of this solution at the beginning can be very poor comparing to DJI data link solution but it will allow me to transmit video from drone out of drone transmitter range in future and same time record movies.

3. Migrate to UAV matrix project. This one seems to be the most completive right now because NAZA does not support MAVlink and I should replace all current parts including power module, controller , gps and all others connections to new one. I fill this option can be the best because it`s allow to have fly out of transmitter range with full telemetry... but it`s very advanced and complicated for me now.

 Minus in this case :video quality over internet comparing to DJI solution can be very poor.

4. Buy any other complete solution for FVP, now I do not know any more details around that but i saw it in many online shops.. It can give me FVP quality similar to DJI but I won`t be able to fly out of transmitter range or using mission planner I think.

I didn’t think about any other options right now. Probably I will focus on second one first and will try to order parts that in future help me to migrate to option 3 also.


I will start with option 2 and then will migrate to option 3 with some changes.
