2 projects that have impact my tests during last 2 weeks

There were no posts last to weeks. It's hard to say why, maybe because I was trying to build something too quickly and many my ideas dropped after few tests and good articles that I read in meantime.

The most important that should be highlighted I want to have in next steps drone that will allow to use software like mission planner to define route for flying base on navigation tools.
This completely have change my vision of second phase and I'm not thinking only about FPV, gears and battery case now.
I did find 2 great project that I'm trying to understand now and be in line with them future. They are very advanced for me due most part of them require good programming knowledge and Linux experience as well.

Projects are:
1. http://www.skydrone.aero/
2. http://uavmatrix.com/Blog/17/10#cmt-inner

I like both of them but as for now I'm not ready to follow them in details. It shows how to put together autopilot , 4g communication , telemetry including mission planning with raspberry PI.

That’s great project but even simple setup-up of gstreamer for RP3 is very complicate for me now. Raspberry concept is nice for me I`m using very often my PI3 as PC and if this is possible I would like to add it as a part of drone framework in future.

I`m also very happy to write this short post today because now it will be more clear to understand what I trying also to achieve after to week of break.

Bow target is to connect : -PC web cam + LTE communication module + video streamer and to send signal /ever with poor quality over/ web. Next post should be about current streaming test progress again and many fails that I have had checking android based solutions.
