in halfway to finalize job

I`m halfway to finalize ART4 setup. The most parts are on place but I`m still waiting for some orders like 5V UBEC that prevent me to finish job.
This time I do not write posts related progress step by step because the most steps are the same as in previous version so all those posts are in archive of this blog. From time to time I will add some posts if something will be definitely different than in previous drone. Maybe I will publish also small movie how to setup LTE drone after this job. I will see.

There is one important item related TBS frame that I need to comments additionally now. Before I started to build this copter I spent a lot of time to decide where should I mount battery. The "Reptile" frame I very old construction, it base on TBS Discovery frame where you cannot install big LIPO packages between plates. The bigest batteries that fit between plates are 5200 mAh batteries.
I thought that currently I will find better and smaller batteries similar to my Zippy Compact but that was wrong expectation. I didn`t find any geed alternatives on market and finally I decided to mount battery on the top plate not between plates.

This approach is different than TBS design but I hope it will work and w I will be able share my F450 batteries with Reptile frame.
