Eken camera with flat lens - additional test

Together with px4 firmware test I did check one more item that I modified some time ago. It`is my Eken camera mod.

I didn't have a chance to test it in fly before and I did that with the last flight. I like recording quality of this camera. It`s allows me record HD movies with 60FPS what for personal purposes is enough.

I won`t be doing any additional enhacements on ART3 drone for this camera becuse I do not want to increase drone weight to much. Future probably I will mount gimbal on ART 4 model ( TBS frame ) and all movies will be done using this additional construction if it will be required.

Below quality sample (raw file) without any software modyfications.

For this sample I forgot to setup date and seems it`s small inconvinient of this camers because I need to setup record date before each flight. It`s not problem for me I can live with this :)
