a few words related phase 6

I did not add any post September because I was little busy. Now it`s end of this month so let me add a few next steps to whole project. I did select a few elements for phase6 but this time I don’t know if I will be able to implement all of them.
Overall for next phase I do plan to create alternative configuration for my copter.
The first of all I would like to use cloud located VPN. It`s really hard to get another sim card with public IP so I need to follow VPN approach. I will try to setup drone communication using VPN connection installed on VPS /cloud. I hope this cloud based solution allows me in future to resign from my current sim card and use any sim card even without public IP. I plan also to run PX4pro stack/firmware to enable virtual joystick compatibilities. In this case I need to get another Pixhawk to test it first. Once I receive second Pixhawk I will try to connect it also directly to GPIO to drop TTL2Ethernet converter. And the last point that should be highlighted for phase 6 there should be implementation of RPI PI0w model. I`m planning to change RPI3 with Raspberry PI0w but this part can be the most tricky because I don’t now know if PI0w will be able to run gstreamer and serv2net software simultaneously. We will see  :)
