Arming pixhawk via LTE with enabled video streaming

I didn't touch drone related items last week. I make only one short test to check if I can arm drone via internet connection or not. Copter was attached to power and started with enabled telemetry and video streaming. Both drone and ground station were of course LTE/3g connected and I disabled only a few pre-arm check parameters like "RC check" to arm drone easily thru remote connection. Test passed :).

Drone is now fully controlled from internet, I can arm it, disarm and setup any required missions . RC system is not required to operate it. Record of this test you can find there: remote pixhawk arming via lte.

Unfortunately I observed some problems with quality of network or maybe with my modems setup and I need to review with details very soon. When I`m using mobile LTE connection link drops very often. I checked drone communication using my old Huawei E5220 3g modem and in this case when modem is WiFI connected to RPI3 everything works perfect. Link is very stable and this means problem is modem related. I will be testing it next a few days.

In meantime I checked also Tower app on android and can confirm that for this application video and telemetry send via UDP/LTE work also perfect.
