one day before end of phase 2

It`s another day when I try to put all parts together.  Some my mistakes are visible  now and I cannot to change it quickly. Most part of them are related cables and connection but this is one related camera location that I will be able to fix in next phase only. It`s related location of recording camera, putting camera on the front of drone I didn`t think that propellers will be seen by the camera and reordered with the movies also.

Below screen how it looks now and probably I will need to fix it in next phase. Right now I do not want to spend too much time to solve it.

By the way for interim period I will setup sj4000 camera as recording device only and will add another small UVC camera to support live streaming. Why I doing that ? Answer is related quality of streaming and recording at the same time. I do not have any software right now that allows me to stream video and record it in one time with different resolution from one camera only.
I don’t want to spend too much time to solve it now and hope adding this small camera wont impact overall drone performance. Quality of streaming is worse than form SJ cam but it’s still fine for preview purposes and costs of this small additional is less than 5$ . I hope tomorrow I will be done with all parts.

Summarizing 2 options are available now:
1. Recording via SJ CAM ( with Full HD res.) and FVP small UAV cam via LTE ( 640x480 res.)
2. Recording and preview form SJ CAM only but both in 640x480 resolution.

I can change this configurations in fly by replacing cables only.
