... switch to MAVLink direction

There will be two separate posts today. The first one is related autopilot and next one with real LTE streaming tests.

I`m little tired to find any information’s related open communications with NAZA controller. It`s sounds like it will be very hard to setup next version of my drone that can be navigated thru public networks and eg. LTE protocol. Naza seems to be very good platform and I like how stabile is my drone but thinking about next steps I feel I have go in MAVlink direction and replace my current controller by any other that support this communication. Naza is too closed,  no open to public.

MAVlink homepage: http://qgroundcontrol.org/mavlink/start.

I will try to review soon APM , Pithawk copies & clones, PX4 based solutions soon and will check how much should I change in my current configuration to move to any platform with MAVlink support.
I did add tag phase 3 to blog and and will be tagging this way all related new flying controller items.

Following you can find some links related Naza to MAVlink communication but I would prefer to go into this open source solution than stay on current platform. Probably this will be long way to replace the most important parts but it will open way to mission planner software.
  • http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1995704
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgmYxwQZmNQ
  • http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/member.php?u=393936
