more about frame

Flying only is my target first. More arms means more costs. More engines means more energy etc. I deceided reduce short list to quadcopters only. I will start with them next migrate to hexa frames.
The only one feature that I will loose base on my decistion is damaged engine support. Naza V2 allows to control drone even one engine is destroyed but this option is avilable only for hexacopters and above. Doing quad this option is missing for me.
This means also that first upgrade that I should do future is migration to hexa arm frame.
Now I do not want spend to much on frames part. I'm starting to research how to buy quad frame with rationale prices. Someting similar to f450 will be the best choice. Guys that articles I follow are right. F450 solution is realy the best for start. Tarot, DJI or PCB clone. Hope I will find something soon. Than I have to stop and wait for a while becuse I'll spend too much on basic parts.
