
Showing posts from June, 2016

battery list 4S 25C

drone configurator page

power... and charger...

radio - be aware to select correct mode

RC simulators

radio transmitter and receiver

again about power

power ā€¦ ā€“ battery, how to get efficiency with rationale prices

naza on right place

raise of robot

How to build the DJI F450 Flamewheel Drone with Naza Flight Controller a...

mainboard almost done

Woops... first huge mistake from my side

Soldering parts

Start to assembling parts

Legs.... gears...

Motors and ESC's / e305 rotor kit

Drone assembling

DJI F450 Flams Wheel frame unboxing

DJI F450 Quadcopter Assembly - you tube movie

about motors

DJI F450 frame

heart of monster


more about frame

frames - short list

something about reality